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Jr./Sr. High School

Dress Code

Saint John Neumann Regional Academy

It is the responsibility of the students and their parents to see that an appearance of good grooming is maintained during school hours. Parents are expected to maintain uniforms in good repair (this includes repair of holes in sweaters, replacements of buttons, care of shoes, and removal of marks on clothing, etc.).

Male Students:

  • Navy blue SJN sweater, vest or quarter zip pullover – winter months / Navy blue SJN short sleeve polo shirt – fall & spring months

  • Tan dress pants (no cargo pockets) which fit at the natural waist and are worn with a black or brown belt. Pants may not have "jeans style" stitching. Only Flynn & O'Hara, Dockers or Dockers-style dress pants are permitted.

  • Buttoned white oxford shirt (short or long sleeves).  Only plain white t-shirts permitted under oxford shirt.

    • Tie

    • Navy, tan, black or brown socks

    • Loafer or casual style dress shoes


Female Students:

  • Navy blue SJN sweater, vest or quarter zip pullover - winter months / Navy blue SJN short sleeve polo shirt – fall & spring months

  • Flynn & O’Hara plaid kilt, not to be worn above the knee OR khaki pants

  • Buttoned white oxford shirt/blouse (short or long sleeves)

  • Loafer, casual style dress shoes. No heels.

Physical Education Uniform

On days when students have Phys Ed, they may be in the following uniform all day:

  • Solid black sweatpants and sweatshirt, NO print, design and tshirt with SJNRA gold logo

  • T shirt with school logo must be purchased from the school 

  • Sneakers that tie

Please Note: 

  1. No hats are to be worn by any student in the building at any time.

  2. From the beginning of school to November 1 and from April 1 through the end of school, all sweaters are optional. Shirts or blouses may be worn with one button unbuttoned.  Navy blue short sleeve SJNRA polo shirts may be worn, or the student may wear the white oxford shirt.



School uniforms are provided by:

Flynn and O'Hara (Shop Online >)
10905 Dutton Road

Philadelphia, PA  19154
(215) 637-4600


Contact Us

Saint John Neumann Regional Academy

Junior/Senior High School Campus
901 Penn Street
Williamsport, PA 17701

Phone: 570.323.9953
Fax: 570.321.7146

Elementary Campus
710 Franklin Street
Williamsport, PA 17701

Phone: 570.326.3738
Fax: 570.326.7385


Contact Us

Saint John Neumann Regional Academy

Junior/Senior High School Campus
901 Penn Street
Williamsport, PA 17701

Phone: 570.323.9953
Fax: 570.321.7146

Elementary Campus
710 Franklin Street
Williamsport, PA 17701

Phone: 570.326.3738
Fax: 570.326.7385

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Pre-Kindergarten Campus
PreK 3 & PreK 4
344 Winthrop Street
So. Williamsport, PA 17702

Phone: 570.360.8255

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