St. John Neumann Regional Academy is fully accredited by the Middle States Association, and is a Diocese of Scranton Catholic School System.
All of our teachers are fully certified by the state of Pennsylvania.
Music, Art, Physical Education and Technology classes are offered to all students.
St. John Neumann has a 100% graduation rate and a 100% college placement rate.
Advanced Placement and Honors courses are available at the High School level.
Our students volunteer at their parishes and in their community. They are required to complete service hours as part of the Religion/Theology coursework.
For the 2021-22 school year, St. John Neumann families received more than $300,000 in financial aid.
Seventy-five percent of the families at Neumann received a financial aid package last school year. Families with a demonstrated financial need will receive assistance.
The parishes of St. Joseph the Worker, St. Boniface, St. Ann's, Immaculate Conception, St. Luke's, Our Lady of Lourdes and Resurrection contribute significant dollars to our Catholic School system. We are grateful for their unwavering support.
More than 240 students are enrolled in our Pre-K 3 through 12th grade Academy. We proudly serve students in Lycoming, Union, Northumberland, Sullivan and Clinton Counties.
We offer PIAA Class A sports programs: Boys' & Grils' Basketball, Girls' Tennis; Boys’ Baseball and Girls’ Softball. We offer Co-ed soccer as a club sport. We have cooperative Agreements with local public schools in Track and Field, Wrestling, Swimming, Cross Country and Football.
We are proud to offer Student Council, Odyssey of the Mind, Drama & Musical Productions, Academic Decathlon, National Honor Society, Key Club, Choir, Interscholastic Reading Competition, the Stock Market Challenge, Relay for Life, and many other extra-curricular opportunities.
Students attend mass weekly and celebrate all Church holidays. There are opportunities for confession and adoration.
SJNRA partners with parents to develop a strong moral compass in students.
There is a strong feeling of family at Neumann. All parents must make a time commitment to the school - that brings families together and, in turn, enables children to grow into happy, healthy young adults.
SJNRA has a perfect combination of nurturing attitude and unrelenting high standards.
Our graduating classes earn an average of $1.2 million in college scholarships and grants each year.