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St. John Neumann Regional Academy was founded in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and educates the hearts and minds of a diverse student body. SJNRA provides a Catholic, faith-centered community dedicated to equitable education, academic excellence, fostering personal and spiritual growth, the promotion of a life of faith, and the development of leadership expressed in service to others.
Core Beliefs
We believe that every child is a unique gift from God, and it is our responsibility to be the ever-present examples of Christ in our school through our teachings, words, and actions.
We believe it is our duty to instill care and compassion for others and community in our students through service projects, respect for others, and support among teachers, staff, and parents.
We believe it is important to develop life-long creative thinkers and learners by providing a secure learning environment in which risks are taken, appreciated, and accepted.
Profile of Graduates
A Saint John Neumann Regional Academy graduate exhibits compassion for others and his/her awareness of God-given talents, appreciates the wonders of God’s universe, demonstrates proper morality, providing good examples while helping and giving to others and building his/her own Christian character, and accepts the consequences for his/her actions.
A Saint John Neumann Regional Academy graduate grows into a creative, critical thinker, works to his/her potential, makes informed decisions, practices good work ethic, communicates effectively as a technologically prepared global citizen, remains aware of his/her environment, and cooperates as a member of a team in his/her environment, whether school, community or world.
A Saint John Neumann Regional Academy graduate uses Christian values to set a good example for others, to guide peers effectively, to complete a group-based task, to recognize a need and to devise an effective plan, to cooperate and to remain informed in a constantly changing world in order to facilitate life-long learning.

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